It is a big shame that most of the left all over the world is becoming more and more, a miserable one, and that means that they are more and more closer to the right-wing, like the "leftists" who support Putin and his crimes against Ukraine or the ones who defend Israel, you're one of the few leftists that remains as an authentic one when you make this writings.

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Russia doesn't have "Euroasian ideological fantasies", those fantasies belong entirely to those fighting an 'eastern front' action in attempt to arrest the decline of the dollar as reserve currency for world trade. The dominant narrative in Russia is about 'Russian-ness' which is more a romance than an ideology, and best served by their internal economy and by multipolar relations with their BRICS trading partners to the East and South.

It might interest U.S. readers to know that, since the 1988 Education Reform Act, professors in the UK don't have 'tenure' in the same sense that it is understood in the U.S. I have to suspect that the British establishment has 'done a deal' with Zizek whereby he can remain as Britain's only high-profile 'Marxist intellectual' on condition that he uses his position to 'toe the line' on the Russian question.

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Are words our spells? Our words are spells!

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A.I. Fully automated luxury communism or Neo Fascism? Tune in for the next episode of WW3.

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" clear condemnation of what Israel is doing in the occupied territories as a crime against humanity is the only way of not only putting the reins on Israel’s military terror against civilians but also to compel the Palestinians to act as a legitimate political force bound by international laws and rules."

I disagree. What this actually does is incentivize bombastic crimes by groups like Hamas, because the inevitable response to state-like action and retaliation, will be a strategic victory for the Palestinian cause.

The approach doesn't work.

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What of saying things on social media? Is it just empty posturing? Is it saying repeating facts without saying anything at all or ultimately saying something different. Or can it play a role?

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Hi yam more toad than squat? I do have a problem with hamas. about womens rights and islam in general, yes I do. I cant seem to get over it. afghanistan and iran, I see as enemies to women. tho I have met muslim women, all of whom I like. from saudi arabia mostly, also brooklyn. One in full garb at hospital who I nosed in on... and she had a fight with her husband during the brief conversation just to show me whos in charge. Its not a culture I get. wonder about the differences between gaza and west bank. in terms of freedoms... I dont really know anything other than there is a difference in relationship to israel, or at least there was -- I have read hamas charter -- its for an islamic state. its strict islamic. which means rights are severely limited like in iran, or even syria. the war that hamas again restarted, and is still fighting, also refuses ceasefire -- has Israel not just fighting back but taking over land, its not just about getting rid of hamas? but also ----- its the really religious side to israel that hates "the other" as per the bible, which is a fundamentalist book about god. only one way to heaven and all that. god is butcher baker candle stick maker, spirit in the trees./// they are no closer to god than anyone else is. I hate that israel is doing unto others what seemingly has been done to itself. But I dont like hamas either.

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