Just found out you're on Substack. Awesome! I guess anyone with an independent mind ends up here sooner or later. Glad to see you pushing back against these German censors. They need a lot more Slovenian philosophers in their lives.

Spot on about Israel and Hamas as well. There hasn't been as much discussion as I expected on the collapse of the two-state solution. But with that out of the way, Israel isn't gonna throw away an opportunity to create this Greater Israel. As for Europe, I don't think it will ever truly express an independent view again - geopolitically speaking - until US influence no longer influences these kinds of things.

Looking forward to more evoking and poking!

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Not "spot on right", "spot on left"!

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I see a couple of problems here. 1st, you don't understand why the Messianic Jews are "hardliners" as you label them. They aren't trying to "cause trouble"; they are simply adhering to Yhwh God's laws and rules. They are Jews much like the very earliest Messianic believers, you might better know as Jesus Christ's apostles and early followers, who were all Jews too, except Dr Luke. As those would not bow to the demands they conform to Rome, so these do not conform to the modern world, even the presently apostate and secular state of Israel. They are not " enemies" of that state; they know, as do Bible believing Christians, a day is coming when spiritual Israel will be restored, and all Jews will see and know their Messiah for Who He Is. But in this present age, they, as we Christians, must stand fast on Yhwh God's laws,when man's conflict with them. Unless you view them in that light, you do them, and Israel, a disservice.

Now, that said, the German "demand" all who wish to naturalize there include a vow to recognize Israel's right to exist as a nation state, and to defend herself; that appears to me as plain virtue signalling. There is no way to measure it, 'til contrary actions are taken. However, 2 facts are known, which show it serves no real purpose: 1) Islam permits NO allegiance save to Islam; and 2) Islam allows adherents to lie to advance the cause of Islam (world caliphate). Hijrah, immigration to advance the caliphate to other territories or states, is what most, if not all, the Muslims who migrated to Germany are doing, so their words of agreement are meaningless as are their promises of allegiance to Germany.

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theres no "simply" adhering to yawehs rules. as if yaweh exists any more than allah does, allegiance to one is just not that much different from allegiance to another. they are the same god only translated differently. the coming messiah, what a lot of hocus pocus. israel has a right to exist. but latest gov was becoming increasingly fundamentalist -- hello knock knock note all the protests. by isrealis over fundamentalists trying undermine the supreme court. spiritiual isreal, it never existed, its just another religious hardon. and laws are created by the state, religious laws are about faith, the rest is tyranny.

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You're getting your information from badly biased sources, and it's none of it accurate: not about Yhwh vs Allah, not about Netanyahu! Trying to rein in a grossly out of control ( according to established Israeli, not Judaic) law is neither tyranny nor fundamentalism!

Yhwh is Creator and Allah (aka Lucifer, also aka Satan) is rebellious creature. The was waging between the is older than humanity, and 1 of good vs evil coming now to its climax! Spiritual Israel has existed, and does still; that will be manifest the day on which Messiah Jesus returns to Earth as the Lion of Judah (His 1st visit was as the Pascal Lamb, to provide the pathway to human reconciliation with our Creator), and when He does, "EVERY (emphasis mine) knee shall bow, every tongue confess" He is Lord! Not just every Jew and Christian, but every living creature. That will include you, should you survive the coming wrath. The TYRANNY is those who usurp and contort laws to their own sick wills as nd purposes, and whom you apparently whole heartedly support...!

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so glad I was able to escape all that, the mythic of the Dark Ages, as some absolute possession of my mind. To free god from tyranny of religion. Those gods to me are merely earth bound gods, not the creator. But if you need it and dwell in it, well works for you, fine. I thank GOD not to have to live there. Yeah for Nietzsche! I am thankful for Diderot and Free Thinking. Beyond good and evil. and the wrath and tyranny of the religious... OH and lest we not forget -- Spinoza

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I'm not sure which deity you're thanking, but I'm fairly certain it's neither the Creator of all that is, or the 1 Who counts. Nietzsche was depressed and depressing. Diderot and Spinoza, just a bit "cracked", and most 20th century preachers not worth their salt. " Free thinking" is everything but "free"; it's enslavement to the worst lies! I did not come easily, not cheaply to my beliefs, nor should anyone really. But like a kid who finally grows up enough to realize his pool parents weren't so dumb after all,I learned enough and came to understand enough, to see there can only be 1 true Deity, and 1 way to be with Him. It's sad you have yet to achieve that understanding. Time is short, and you still have so far to go! Yhwh is no tyrant; if He was, there would be no room for you already. He will, very sadly, allow you to continue rejecting Him, right up to your last breath, and with that last exhalation, to seal your own destiny for eternity! No tyrant would do that. A tyrant would force you to go His way; Yhwh will not! That's how much he loves you. At present, your hope is, indeed, dust...

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DIderot is not cracked. He's marvelous. I dont consider their words lies. But discussions, fascinations, I dont think of them as having the ear of hte creator. Yaweh is a tyrant because he is monotheism. And monotheism asserts priority over the infinite. And dont believe yaweh represents the infinite, but a version of it at best. My destiny was sealed for all eternity day I was born. We live in the eternal now, as now or then. Freedom is an idea -- its execution is -- a chance with fate that is not proscribed by the masters in a slave like attention to belief. but a reach beyond its obedience.. Alas, which can be brought right out to the fervors of ecstasy and sacrificial torments... hmmm thanks for the discussion. I appreciate the depths of your point of view. And disagree accordingly.. Cheers.

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No your destiny is determined by the choices you, alone, make in this life. The choices others make around you may impact your choices positively or negatively, but have no power to alter your chosen destiny. Yhwh IS the infinite! Omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent; He knows the end from the before the beginning. His very name says it all: Yhwh is Hebrew for "He Is". Freedom is a idea that CAME from Yhwh, and is embodied in His Word. I will pray you come to understand before it's too late...

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i am pomp puss leftish, I support abortion first tri, support sexual reincarnationisma, come to think of it all forms of reincarnationsma, and remain confused over gaza, find hard to support extremisma either side. cant support another caliphate which hamas promotes. nor extremist gov which has come for isreal. feel horror unconditionally for both. support in usa is not as unconditional as it seems -- these days. same, unfortunately, re Ukraine.

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Okay, let me get this straight: you SUPPORT 1st degree feticide, for no valid excuse??? You believe a gov't that loves its nation, people and their lives and rights is extremism??? Is that correct? That's what I read in your statement.

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Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, et al., have proven beyond the shadow of doubt that Israeli allegations regarding “the brutality of rape” have no credibility.

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Its always too late. the oh no its too late thing. is bunny business, beckons the absurd, with I'm late I'm late -- defer defer to my god and you will be saved from disgrace ? fires of all eternity, to suffer in hell. but hell is other people Sartre says, and so does Agatha Christie in a way... But also, not always, other ways of meaning are possibe....

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I write about breaking free from religious ecstasy in the mythic clusters ? Thank GOD for Bataille. Rereading Sylvia. We share a lot of language, I am in her wind and sky phase right now. And ship, the wayward ship... Waywad started with a K and ended with K. Kafka loses present tense... Is fit with what hi calls the Jaysis sense of difference and abandonment as if on Cross of ecstastic rebellion to the goodness of god, find battle with the absurd... Stole off, there out of necessity, found way towards The Buddha Bunker -- Finished Zizek on Schelling -Freedom: A Disease Without Cure --- the dis ease of Free Thinking -- cure mur lure... Reading Schelling now -- the 2nd half of book, its post Hegel turn of centuries 17 to 18 and in that way reads historically -- the translation voice is placed in the historical, which is well before discovery Uncertainty Prince a Pull, about systems. Discussion on finding Time that be Schellings turning point conscious of time, begets in the beginning, begets mythic stories of creation --- So often outrage refers to enemy as Nazi's genocidal horror show. Is that your German Fake ????? I know every discovery that wont go away, is also a mistake, caught in its fray, or what Sylvia calls the The Tilting Wind. Again, I hang by Mark Twain somewhat politics, or even Johnny Cash. Those two meet up in my brain drain as honorable. Taking sides. No, want peace in Middle East, and admittedly seriously deplore religious led gov, either side, for -- Ob V Us ray suns. It slides again and again towards war. But Hamas the underdog, the Ukraine, and Israel are mortal enemies very much in a religious sense, as wrath of god applies to all, according to Smith, the righteous want you to fear them, they declare gods victory as the gods of reckoning, fighting it out, and the gods are from the same family, are brothers, Cane and A Bull. Cover on my space with all the hapless nudes, is a softening agent, for poetry, which are just what you see they are, and I admit it, whole heartedly. Drawing has always been a way to approach the real for me, which can terrify as a battle with one's wicked curses, as compared to writing. which hammers it out.

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Highly hypocritical of the Germans to support Israel a land given them far from Europe by Europeans of lands the Europeans didn't technically own, as compensation for atrocities committed against them by Europeans on European soil. A nice piece of Bavaria would have done much better and the Germans could practice what they preach. Or at the very least paying for Palestinian lands as part of the Martial Plan. the Israelis are idiots expecting different results from the same actions. time to make peace and I suspect it will look more like Edward Said's one.state.solution. Lots of sun in Palestine and.seawater makes hydrogen in a world that will be.starving for clean energy probably sooner than later. Rising waters can raise.all boats.

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So leave Hamas in place to keep right on killing Israelis for how much longer??? 7 decades isn't enough? I suppose you'd've left the Nazis in Germany too... And the Japanese in Korea and China?

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Faulkner is southern. I read him dual lang, fr and eng. Not that great with languages. Stuck in my own lang literally.. But hopefully getting dual lang marcel Swanny River -- whose french is glorious -- xmas, bank those two alot, marcel and becks, the steals and the steelies, lang fang bang sing song sang STOP. Dyna Accused of provoking trills methinkis. Didnt really get into subgames in article. But something else. And yet, I do want to get into it. I like that it wound way round to Diderot and free thinking. Certain things I come around for. Certainly admit it. Subgames, but chaknow using Emmy's Spoons and Pissoas goons, and nicks switches. I will never know who what did, so I let it go. And let go singularity hard coudlnt do it. But kicked me down stairs... I know hi knows... Salt Pillars of Language. Heart of palm. Fee fi foo twit twoo. The nursery rhyme repeats are murderous?

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Hi. I do support womens right.s I do support feticide. Esp first tri. I dont mind cross over genderisms. Its modern times. I am not righteous, I mean I try not to be. I hated that stuff... I dont know what you mean about love of gov, I kind a take point of view of Mark Twain. Who jokes about it... I dont hate gov. I want a gove that can provide saftey wrt schools I am against prolieration of military in hands of anti gov groups? yes. I am not a gun loving revolutionary southern episodic. tho I am a southern episodic in other ways. What Argues, the Z Tree ----- power corrupts in a way that is self righteous, I dont support anything UN conditionally wrt gov. Tho I do love unconditionally at times, I do... Family for sure. Best I can.

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Dec 14, 2023
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"Pax Romana"??? You think that was a better option??? Or Communist " peace"??? Or Hitler's "peace"??? That's what you're calling for: the " peace" of no rights enslavement to "the gov't" or PTB!

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