A wonderful tribute to a great man.

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That was exhausting to read! Why don’t you go and shop for groceries … more practical and possibly edifying.

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Maybe you should happily lose yourself in the numberless throng of the heroes of your people, Josephine.

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WTF does that mean? ♥️

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You should listen to your own unsolicited advice - since reading Theory exhausts you by your own admission - and go back to your favorite shopping for groceries, an activity that edifies you more than reading.

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Reading is endlessly edifying, provided one reads the right stuff. 😝

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but the joy of suffering thru it. welcome to Death Drive

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You should’ve abandoned ship about halfway through, like I did.

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Interesting (opportune, perhaps heedlessly delayed) comment apropos conspiracy theories. Trump has been sublatently or even directly referring to conspiracies for years, before, during, and now after his presidency. But I don't honestly recall him ever saying something along the lines of: If I get relected, you, the American people—of whom it is clear have so little trust in government officials of both parties, and not too much trust in corporations either—will become the beneficiaries of a new department dedicated to studying in great depth conspiracies perpetrated with your monies but without your knowledge, not a few of which have surely been and continue to be perpetrated against you by the same old elites in both parties." And indeed persons within his own party, such as Senator Lindsey Graham would be loathe to hear such a speech, as literally disarmingly insane! Not because it's predicated on too many untruths, but because it brings the gross hypocrisy with which the US, and all 'Great Powers,' act upon the world stage to light, and the problem lies precisely in highlighting this hypocrisy, not because it isn't obvious to (silent) majorities in the West already, but because it sanctions (i.e. promotes) a deep reading of all major (and many seemingly non major) events through the prism of the MSM qua conspiracies in themselves.

In other words, there's a continuity of conspiracy from true causes of events to actual recounting of events in the MSM (which pretends disinterested accuracy), wherein elementary questions are all too frequently not asked either in the immediate reporting following the occurrence of the event, nor in the follow up articles relating to a specific event days, months, years, etc after. In other words, the MSM, in conjunction with an internetic atmosphere that both stimulates conspiracy thinking but simultaneously addles the mind with cognitive-sensorial distractions, constantly subliminally undermines common sense (perhaps selectively but nevertheless all too frequently) where it is most needed.

For example, the phenomenon of Oct 7 has, to be sure, invited much conspiratorial speculation on various Internet forums, almost all without any substance to back it up. On the other hand, it doesn't appear that the "enemies" of Israel, aka "Axis of Resistance," themselves have called into question the essential facts of Oct 7. Namely, that Hamas didn't fall into a trap, nor did Israel leave the door ajar as it were, in order to "teach" the thief (or, perhaps "thieving nation," as Netanyahu might say) a lesson. Quite the contrary, the "Axis of Resistance," including such sophisticated actors, as Iran, seem to continue to insist that they might not have directly known about Oct 7 beforehand, but that according to their assessments, it was a genuine act of resistance and that there was no indication it was a preemptive trap by Israel at all. However these aforesaid actors have themselves apparently and genuinely fallen quite recently into the most astounding traps and incontrovertible conspiracies set up by Israel subsequent and arguably consequent to Oct 7. The most specifically astounding and classically (but also) surreally conspiratorial, being the mass detonation of pagers and walkie talkies in Lebanon, followed by the decapitation of Hezbollah in supposedly their deepest and most guarded lairs. Do these specific aforesaid events, which obviously stand as an overt challenge to the sempiternal denial of conspiracies in the MSM as a common, even determinative, act of state power, not beg the question (in the colloquial sense) of How was it possible for Israel, clearly a master of the conspiratorial craft both at the micro and macro scale (often two sides of the same coin), to not anticipate an Oct 7 event with reasonable effectiveness?

This is not to say that Israel did indeed actively or passively facilitate the Oct 7 Hamas attack against itself (although Netanyahu did seem shockingly little concerned with the welfare of the Israeli hostages) and all that that implies: Yes, Hamas was suddenly able to appear out of the blue with motorbikes, trucks, and bulldozers and charge at the security fence without any effective resistance or hardly any casualties. Yes, Hamas militants were able to aerially glide at a slow pace into Israeli territory and unleash mass destruction on a most unfortunately congregated multitude of young disarmed, possibly intoxicated, Israeli men and women who basically stood like sitting ducks less than a mile from the security fence. Yes, all this happened sans the Israeli government being actively or passively culpable because it had sufficient epistemic cognizance so that failure to act could reasonably be discerned as logically inexplicable outside of the aforesaid types of conspiracies.

On the one hand, Israel's clearly exceedingly well and long-planned conspiracies against Hamas and especially Hezbollah leave one aghast and immediately asking And yet the government that could do this couldn't even remotely effectively predict Oct 7? On the other, it is not only the Israeli government itself that denies such morally "unthinkable" conspiracies, nor just the latter seconded ipso fact by the Western MSM, but rather it is seemingly it, naturally the US and Western allies, and Western MSM, joined by the Israeli victims/survivors of Oct 7 (both civilian and military), and perhaps even more exceptionally, by the "Axis of Resistance," which either claims, naturally enough, that it did not fall into an Israeli trap (although Israeli has behaved terribly unjustly and disproportionately), or that it had nothing to do with Oct 7 ( Hezbollah and Iran), but had not the slightest doubt it was a genuine act of resistance that did not fall prey to precognizant Israeli subterfuge. All of which is very striking, that even as the "Axis of Resistance" founders and sinks in Gaza, in Lebanon, even in Iran relatively speaking, there's no temptation to exclaim out of genuine conviction or Machiavellian desire to sow doubt: Oct 7 is not what it seems! It was a great betrayal. Israel betrayed itself, but Hamas betrayed Gaza even more through its insurmountable naive incompetence or reasons darker still...as dark as the ocean's deepest depths. In short, is Oct 7 an unpronounceable abyss that joins all the antagonistic forces in its tentacles and pulls them deeper into doom?

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A Marxist, no matter how sophisticated they sound, will always focus on past injury for purposes of inflicting future ones. Jameson provided no exception to this perverse logic. Condolences to his loved ones and good riddance.

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Your very existence is a great injury to mankind, as clearly visible from your juvenile, anti-social comments.

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There is a universal, neutral language enabling us to translate the cultural sense or nonsense of one person into that of another: the fundamental laws of logic = the laws of sense. That this language is ideologically rejected by Marxism is not a limitation of Reality, or subjectivity, or consciousness, but of Marxism itself: its own "cultural" nonsense.

Perhaps the key difference between the logic in Hegel and the logic of Marxism is that Hegel did not simply stop with "each [thing] is self-unlike and contradictory in its equality with itself, and each self-identical in its difference, in its contradiction…" (SL 11.261) but attempted to resolve the alleged contradiction as a limitation of thought reflecting on itself in one dimensional (historical) time. He then rejected this one dimensional idea of time, replacing it with two dimensional time in which identity is continually constituted without contradiction: https://philpapers.org/rec/KOWTT

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Sticks and stones… anyway, I like Jameson’s The Political Unconscious 🚬

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